Welcome to Dr. Xiao Acupuncture and Herb Clinic

Pediatric Clinic: Premature and other neonatal diseases, night cry, recurrent colds, poor immune, recurrent tonsillitis and otitis media, chronic cough, infant asthma, diarrhea, children diabetes, anorexia, Bulimia, bed wet, obesity, anemia, weight, height promotion, attention deficiency, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, enuresis, sexual precocity etc.

Asthma, respiratory diseases, allergic diseases clinic: adult asthma, steroid depend asthma, difficulty controlled asthma, chronic cough, laryngitis, chronic bronchitis, COPD, allergic rhinitis, hay fever, sinusitis, eczema, dermatitis, urticaria .etc

Autoimmune disorders clinic: Rheumatoid arthritis, systematic lupus erythematosus, chronic nephritis, nephritic syndrome, MS etc.

Cardiovascular diseases clinic: hyperlipemia, hypertensive, coronary heart diseases, stroke prevention and rehabilitation, weight and diet optimize.

Digestive diseases clinic: Esophagus inflammation, Reflux, Helicobacter pylori infection, crohn's disease, gastritis, peptic ulcer, colon's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes and complications prevention and treatment, hepatitis, hepatocirrhosis.

Mental and psychopathic and neurological disorder clinic: Insomnia, Depression, Stress, fatigue, Anxiety, bio-polar, mania, hysteric, schizophrenia, epilepsy prevent and treatment, impotence, withdrawal symptoms treatment and addiction treatment (Cigarette, Alcohol, drugs, sweet, dairy, starch, weaning).

Headache clinic and Pain management: Trigeminal pain, Migraine, Herpes zoster pain, Cancer pain management, Cervical and lumbar vertebra pain, Sciatic pain, Fibromyalgia, Sprains, Strains, injure and Cerebral concussion and other car accident rehabilitation. Arthritis and all kinds pain on neck, back, knee, ankle and other joints, ligaments and tendons.

Cancer treatment and prevention clinic: High risk individual prevent plan, All kinds cancer inhibitive therapy, support to chemo-radiation therapy, maintains before and after surgery, metastasis inhibit and prevention, Cancer pain and symptom management.

Gynecologic and obstetric diseases clinic: Menstrual disorder, dysmenorrheal, amenorrhea, PMS, mastopathy, menopause syndrome and anti-aging treatment, infertility synergistic treatment and prevention, conception promotion. Pregnancy and post partum care, Promote labor, lactation promotion and weaning.

Dermatologic diseases clinic: Herpes, impetigo, tinea, chilblain, eczema, urticaria, neurodermatitis, cutaneous pruritus, psoriasis, acne, seborrhea, alopecia and hair loss, premature gray hair, vitiligo, pigment relate to age, birth, skin rejuvenation, body and armpit odor etc.

Senile diseases clinic: Poor memory, Dementia, Alzheimer's disease prevention and treatment, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis treatment and lumbar knee strengthen, aging evaluation and senile diseases prevention.

Addictions and withdraw symptoms management and treatment clinic: (Cigarette, Alcohol, drugs, sweet and dairy addiction, bulimia nervosa, weaning, sexual addiction)

Pediatric Clinic
Common cold and flu
Recurrent cold prevention
Otitis Media
Children asthma
Height promotion
Asthma and allergic diseases
Allergic Rhinitis
Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Fatigue Clinic
Diabetes and the complications
Headache and pain management
Cancer prevention and treatment
Menopause and health
Infertility, IVF and Chinese Medicine
Cardiovascular diseases, weight and diet Clinic
Senile diseases and anti-aging Clinic
Quit smoking

Pediatric Clinic: Dr. Xiao clinic specially use herbal syrup, tincture, concentrated powder, children painless needle, children message Tui Na, back therapy treat neonatal diseases, tonsillitis, otitis media, colds, cough, asthma, diarrhea, children diabetes, anorexia, obesity, anemia, height promotion, attention deficiency, epilepsy, cerebral palsy, enuresis, sexual precocity etc.

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Common cold and flu is the most common disease among childhood, since it caused by viruses, antibiotics do not work, actually there is no western medicine specific for colds except symptomatic treatments like using antipyretic for fever, antihistamine for nose runny, and anti-inflammatory aspirin like drugs for headache, or codeine like cough suppressant, those conservative treatment have very poor and doubtful effect, and the potential risks and side effects have made many health authorities in Europe not recommend to use formulas contain those medicines, even forbid to use to children under 6 years old, even though those formulas are still in so popular using, and so easy to get through over the counter.

Classic Chinese herbal formulas for cold are consist of natural antivirus herbs, antipyretics like herbs, anti histamine like herbs, cough suppressants and herbs generate body fluid, immune boosters like Flos Lonicerae, Fructus Forsythiae, Indigo leave etc, with puncture classic points like external gate, cold pool etc, which have been very effectively used more than 2000 years, mostly cured within 3 days, without any side effects are observed in both clinic and laboratory studies.

It is convenient to take for children in syrup or tincture way, with high effectiveness and much better safety, highly recommended by Dr. Xiao.

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Recurrent cold prevention: Intravenous immuglobin is costly and works shortly, only for those with severe conditions, the most popular way flu vaccine has very low effect since the viruses mutation. Actually, recurrent cold cases are mainly from low immunity since poor diet or premature, so, the right treatment have to rebuild digestion and boost immune, with classic formula Jade wind screen powder and Dr. Xiao's baby strengthen powder which contains ingredients called immune booster Astragali, baby culture base-human placenta (viruses free), and food grinder -chicken stomach membrane etc. combine with massage point energy sea, middle stomach etc.80- 90% children cured within 3-6 months even less.

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Otitis Media is an annoying chronic infection in the inner ear, surgery are needed many times. Using natural antibiotics like herbal medicine like Jasmine flower, Coptis root, Tiger ear grass etc, and the ear water damp drainage herbs in acute period, chronic period, immune boost herbs and needling points like ear gate, listening palace etc, to improve blood circulation and body repairing ability to heal, 90% may avid operation, curate rate in six months varies from 70%- 86% up to different clinic studies.

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Children asthma More than 12% Canadian kids suffer from asthma, mostly the first episode happens before 3, infant asthma, steroids depend asthma remain the top globe challenges since they are unable to use inhaler even with chamber, and the influence and safety of years long steroid inhalation on kids mental and physical development is still in argue. Studies have shown that most of asthma kids have family history with weak constitution on immune and hormone aspects, which are deeper reasons lead chronic allergic airway inflammation, and airway hypersensitiveness, the root of asthma, TCM emphasis that in remission period, improve lung function, regulate immunity and work on pituitary-adrenal gland axis to promote inner source hormone instead extra corticosteroid with natural herbs and needling special points, together with leukotriene regulator like Gingko etc., 85% get earlier natural relief, well controlled after 6 months to a year treatment, asthmatic children can lead normal life and growth, no any side effects exist; In acute period, use classic asthma formulas contain herbal bronchodilators like perilla seeds, earthworm , apricot and cinnamon etc, puncture special lung points, asthma arrest point on chest and back, mostly wheezing can be controlled in hours even minutes, you need no or less ventolin or other bronchodilators,esp.long action one, therefore, TCM become a safer and very effective therapy to asthma, especially to infant asthma, steroid depend asthma, and cases who have poor tolerance to long action bronchodilator.

See more in articles: how to control your asthma in a better way.

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Height promotion Growth hormone injection is very expensive, very long course treatment (May more than 15 years),and potential risks are frightening many children and parents, puncturing points on head, and using herbs act on pituitary, which can promote production of inner growth hormone, with herbs like turtle shell etc strengthening bones on limbs and spine, with proper diet include cow's spinal bone marrow and exercise, 65%-85% children under18 effective, may increase 1-3 cm a month, whole treatment is 20 times acupuncture and half to one year herbs treatment, importantly, there is no any side effects, it is relatively cheaper.

Attention deficient disorder ADD and ADHD is disturbing 5% children and 4% adults, brain stimulants have some side effects like insomnia, and potential risk like triggers insomnia, epilepsy, behavior change problem, from TCM of view ,the symptomatic treatment may causes more imbalance, make things worse in future. Up to the different researches, 65%-86% kids effective to TCM treatment, it is highly recommended as a natural, safe and idealistic therapy.

There are two main types by TCM: one is mental energy deficiency which need energy herbs like Ginseng, Lotus seed and Litchi fruit meat; one is excessive heat in mind, too much energy in the wrong way, which need cooling heat and calming down mind with herbs like shell of oyster, shell of pearl etc and puncture third eye, spirit gate etc, there is no any side effect observed, and tolerance and acceptance is very good. The course is 1-3years up to the severity.

See in the articles: how does Chinese Medicine benefits ADD, ADHD patients?

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Asthma and allergic diseases

Asthma has been a ever increasing global challenge for decades, despite the Medical Science advances, both prevalence and mortality have being increased, In order to control your asthma in a better way, Dr. Xiao's asthma clinic offers you a special treatment with acupuncture, massage, Chinese herbal formulae treatment, the same clinic has been a great success in both China and Israel university hospital for more than 15 years, approved as a more ideal way for asthma:

First of all, it is more effective, and there is also a synergistic effect with beat2-adrenceptor agonist, anticholinergics agent, and methylxanthine as well, the effective rate in both acute and long term control reach 93%.

Secondly, it is much safer, there is no side effect when used for mild to moderate attack case alone, to severe case, in combination with Modern medicine, it may reduce the dosage and treatment duration of beta2-adrenceptor agonist, especially long action one, therefore, less tolerance, resistance, then less side effects. Asthma patient with high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases who are using Aspirin like drugs will specially benefit from it, and asthma patient may don't need or need less steroid include inhaled steroid, then less chance get steroid side effects, even addition happens, Chinese medicine treat it by using herbs and acupuncture to improve inner source steroid, which can benefit more to children asthma patients for their development, and may get earlier natural relief.

The third, more importantly, Chinese Medicine not only symptomatically treat bronchial spasm, but also, even more, emphasizes treat on chronic airway allergic inflammation by using natural steroid like herbs like Licorice root, using natural leukotriene modifier herbs like Gingko, not only treat location lung, also emphasizes whole body 's balance, by regulating and strengthen immunity, and regulating hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, which is on the deeper root treatment even compare to modern Medicine. All these will lead a significant less frequent attack, less severe attack even no attack, promote earlier relief for asthma children, ultimately, avoid severe asthma and decrease mortality.

The fourth, we emphasize prevention, emphasizes breathe hygiene, and self home control, emphasizes treat acute asthma in winter, strengthen and regulate body in summer, whole year treatment. As a more ideal treatment, it becomes more and more popular in United States, Europe, Israel, Japan, Korea and other countries.

To build a partnership between Patients and Doctor, a hot line connection through phone and internet to Dr. Xiao

Regular open lecture of Asthma in Canadian Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine

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Eczema affects more than 30% Canadian kids, the most common type of eczema is atopic eczema or atopic dermatitis. Patients usually are hypersensitive to allergens like dust, pollen, foods etc (Heat constitution), and have personal or family history of allergic manifestations (Weak constitution), for example, Asthma, Allergic rhinitis and Atopic dermatitis.

Where is it located and how does it look?

It's typically located on the face, neck, upper trunk, wrists, hands and on the bends of the elbows and knees.

It can appear in different forms ranging from red (Heat) & wet (Dampness), scaly or dry & thickened lesions (Skin lack of nourishment from body fluids and blood) at its different stages, i.e. acute, sub-acute or chronic stages.

However, itching (Wind by TCM) is what bothers all patients, especially when the itching and scratching cycle begins.

What conventional biomedicine usually offers?

Mostly, symptomatic treatment, topical steroids, e.g. corticosteroids even oral prednisone may be prescribed in severe cases.

What can acupuncture and Chinese herbs do about it?

TCM views eczema as those people with hypersensitive (Heat) and weak genetic constitution (Yin deficiency) get a overreaction (allergic inflammation, heat and fire by TCM) to airborne dust, pollen, fur etc. in windy seasons, leads a red (Heat), wet (Damp) and itchy (Wind) lesions at acute stage, and recurrent eczema, the heat may dries body fluids causes dry thick leather like skin at chronic stage.

So, principally, at acute stage, by TCM, you need dispelling wind, clearing heat and fire, drying dampness, Dispelling wind herbs like Sophora", "Saposhnikovia" are confirmed natural antihistamine, with experience dispel wind acupuncture points like "Eight Winds", "Pool at the Crook", can reduce or eliminate itchiness, clearing heat and fire herbs like Gentian root, Coptis etc are natural none-specific anti-inflammatives, can be partially replace steroids works on inflammation itself, and herbs and points to drying dampness can reduce secretion of lesions, reduce the infection chance, numerous modern clinical reports published have been demonstrated the effectiveness.

More importantly, at chronic stage, TCM addresses to nourish skin and strengthen skin immunity to promote earlier natural relief, that is more on the root, on the constitution treatment, the common used yin tonics herbs like rehmmaina (Di Huang), Angelic (Dang Gui) etc, confirmed act on hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis to produce more inner sourced steroids, which significantly reduces chronic inflammation and moistures skin and improves skin condition, eczema kids may get a safe, years much earlier natural relief with less or without external sourced steroids

All above will be in tincture or syrup, may combined with herbal lotion or cream made by Dr. Xiao.

How effective is the acupuncture and herbs?

The success rate we maintain varies from 80-90% depending upon the severity of the condition.

How soon can I get better?

The time you start to feel better varies from one week to one month.

What should I do to help myself?

In addition to receiving a persistent treatment at our clinic, Dr. Xiao will discuss with you necessary diet and daily life adjustments. These recommendations come from the valuable experience Dr. Xiao gained through reviewing thousand-year-old Chinese Medical text and many years of clinical practice in Western countries.

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Allergic Rhinitis

What is allergic rhinitis?

Allergic Rhinitis is one of the most common allergies people complain of. It is an allergic reaction in the nose to seasonal or year-round allergens like pollens in spring, grass in summer and ragweed in fall or dust and household mites. Seasonal rhinitis is called "hay fever" as well.

In addition to nasal symptoms as runny nose, sneezing, accompanied symptoms may include eye irritation, excessive tearing, and skin rash.

What can Western biomedicine offer?

Antihistamines, intranasal corticosteroid sprays and immunotherapy are among the options for successful symptom relief. However, for most patients, the trouble is how to protect themselves from the countless allergens around them.

How does Chinese medicine view the mechanism and what can be done about it?

The mechanism, symptoms and treatment for allergic rhinitis (though named differently) can traced back to two of the oldest Chinese Medical texts-Yellow Emperors Inner Classics and Discussion for Cold Invasion, 1700 to 2000 years ago.

The Chinese believe that when the body is in energetic harmony external pathogens, including allergens, cannot interfere. That is why some of us, during certain environmental changes, cannot adapt to these environmental changes, even though all of us are exposed to the same environment. Also it explains why some people, who were previously not allergic, suddenly develop allergies in certain environments. Acupuncture points like "Arm Three Miles", "Leg Three Miles", "Upper Star", "Gathered Bamboo", "Heavenly Connection" and "Welcome Fragrance" are used to strengthen body's resistance against allergens and open the nasal orifices. Some herbs that can reach this goal are Astragalus (Huang Qi), Cinnamon (Gui Zhi), Astractylodis (Bai Zhu), Pruni (Wu Mei), Schizandrae (Wu Wei Zi), Ledebouriellae (Fang Fangs), Xanthii (Cang Er Zi) and Magnolia (Xin Yi Hua).

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Sleeplessness is torturing millions of us, especially in this stressful, recession period, what is more, Sleeping pills can only bring you a fake, unnatural sleep in a short time, you do not really rested, and refreshed after that sleep, and because of tolerance, resistance dependence and rebound react, sleeping pills is definitely not on the first line, Non-pharmaceutical natural therapy like Acupuncture Chinese Herbal Medicine is highly recommended worldwide, have being very popular in China, U.S, Japan, Korea, Europe , as a more ideal therapy ,become your number one choice.

You will benefit from Traditional Chinese Medicine at multiple aspects:

Firstly, it is very good effective, with a natural, good quality sleep, you will really rested and recharged, bring back your balance and energy again. A acupuncture treatment and auricular therapy can improves sleeping by promoting production of a natural tranquilizer endorphin, in the most natural way, without any medications, many sleeping herbs like water lily, Chinese date seed, just simply contain melatonin , rich in multiple- vitamins.

Secondly, it is much safe, almost no any side effect, mostly, they are fruits, seeds, no resistance or addiction are recorded in neither thousands years medical documents, nor modern clinic and laboratory researches, very good adoptions for long time using.

The third, it doesn't treat only symptomatically, more important, it is on the causes, the root, by treating stress, anxiety, depression, and chronic fatigue, anemia etc in most nature ways, emphasizes sleep hygiene, and whole body mentally and physically balance .

The treatment will include sleep lifestyle rebuilding guidance, Tai Ji, Qi Gong, Yoga and meditation, sports etc. will be recommended.

The treatment will be about 1 months-3 months course, effective rate 65%-90% depends.

Once-twice a week acupuncture and auricular needle therapy, herbs formulae once-twice a day.

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Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Fatigue Clinic

This is a stressful world, many of us experienced or are unluckily experiencing stress, from TCM of view, we are able to keep balance mentally and physically through our balancer liver, when the stress becomes so intensive and constantly on us, the liver dysfunction symptoms( Liver QI stagnation by TCM) appears:

Frequent dizzy, headache, insomnia.
Lack of expression, dull complexion.
Stiff neck, shoulder, and truck, trembling limbs
Short breathe nausea or stomach pain.
Frequent urination urge, irregular menses.
Irritable even agitate

Then we look like a fighter, always ready for battle in our daily life. If by chance, you are in condition like this, that means you are severely stressed, your liver is overloaded, it need to be downloaded, soothed and drainage in order to restore its function, points on liver meridian like Liv3 ( Big impulsiveness), Liv14 ( Desire gate),UB18(back Liver point), Heart7 ( Spirit gate) etc will be punctured to help liver balance the body again, herb Mr. liver Chai Hu ( radix bupleuri) etc, Classic formula for stress like easy life powder (XiaoYao San, called also lady powder in past) are needed. Those thousand years experienced treatment can help you cope with severe stress mostly, rebalance you, then you return to your self, are able to function in work, family. and relationships.

If you don't adjust your life and get promptly treatment, your body itself will find the way to relief the big stress, Anxiety often happens in this case:

Starts from talkativeness
Then nervous, irritable, agitate, angry
Impulsive, compulsive
Then manic, hysteric, yelling, shouting out
You may feel palpitation or even choking
Even damage people and things, the worst is commit suicide

That is anxiety, what you need then are puncturing third eye (yintang), Pc6 (interior gate) and Pc8 (mind palace), researches have shown that will produce endorphin, a natural inner tranquilizer, and applying mineral Chinese medicines like Meng Shi (Disorientation stone), Mangxiao, which contain lithium and magnesium, kind of western anti-mania medicine, those minerals work very effectively, have been used for thousands years.

By instinct protection to your brain, your body may find another opposite way than anxiety: depression, by lowering your motivation to save energy, it is often seen:

Starts from lack of speaking
Lack of expression, pale or yellow complexion
Sadness and emptiness, unhappiness
Slow action and movement, demanding and depending
Poor focus, memory, poor school or work performance
Feel helpless, insecure, low self esteem, self hatred
Lethargic, childish, timid, delusion, hallucination even.

It may goes so far, then the mental energy booster are needed like Ginseng, lotus seeds, and litchi fruit meat, Yu Jin (literally meaning in Chinese golden of depression, curcuma flower in English), water lily, He Huang Hua (reunited and happy flower, silk tree flower) etc, acupuncture points include: Hundreds greeting Du20, Heart meridian1 (Top spring), 7(spirit gate), Pericardium8 (mind palace), Ki1 (erupting spring), all tickler points which make body produce more serotonin in blood, and elevate mood. Mostly depression can be treated and controlled with TCM.

Weather it goes to anxiety or depression, or you just have a bio-polar, much depends on your constitution, genetic, inner environment balance like hormones, and outside environment, family, society, culture, and economy etc.

Traditional Chinese Medicine aim at mental and physical balance inside body as its highest goal, hope you are not always in the peak, also not stay in the valley, we just wish you can enjoy the sea level--- being balanced with a natural way, without any side effects.

According to ancient TCM five element theory, there are inhibitive effects among different emotional movements like: Happiness inhibit sadness, sadness inhibit raging, raging inhibit over thinking, thinking inhibit fear, fear inhibit overjoyed. Besides acupuncture and herbs, Dr. Xiao also applies Chinese ancient emotional therapy to adjust your mood intentionally up to TCM five elements theory.

In five element theory, five emotional movements hosted in inner five organs as part of its function, not only related with inner balance we are working on, but also relate to out side environment through five sensational organs, skin etc, to colors, lights, noises, food, orientations, locations etc, to people, society even universe, there is a energy exchange between inside and out side body, in order to get inner balance to treat emotional disorder, art therapy, music therapy, diet therapy, psychologist, QI Gong, Yoga Tui Na etc. are recommended by Dr. Xiao.

Fatigue mostly are psychopathic sourced, even viruses, hormones imbalance and over exertion can be the causes, from view of TCM, long time emotional disorder may exhaust different inner organs respectively, result in different symptoms and signs:

Angry damages liver cause: Fatigue, dizzy, often headache, blurry vision, pale nails
Sorrow damages lung cause: Short breathe, sign often, chest choking and uncomfortable
Worry damages spleen cause: poor appetite, pale or yellow complexion, sweating, nausea
Vomiting, emaciation, or obesity, loose or watery stool
Overjoyed damages heart cause: palpitation, insomnia, spontaneous sweating
Fear damages kidney cause: frequent night urine, cold limbs, impotence, and poor sperm, poor menses or amenorrhea, poor libido, infertility, premature menopause, lumbar pain, weaker knee in young age, premature gray hair or hair loss, wrinkles and dry skin

In case you are in condition above, you must be prompt for treatment, even your blood tests, ultrasound result are still normal, do not wait for severe diseases happen, since you are in fatigue, a severe sub-health edge.

TCM has been effectively treating fatigue for thousands years up to enormous ancient documents and practice, Tonics therapy is the most important treatment, it even becomes a part of Chinese culture. With meridian tropic tonics to different organ for energy, blood and life essence, which likes new battery transplantation, and the puncturing different meridians, which likes unblocking electric wires, plus treatment on underlay emotion disorder, you will function like a new person.

TCM is very effective to more than 90% fatigue patients.

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Diabetes and the complications

Diabetes has been one of three top killers to the human being life all over the world, insulin and anti-diabetics as a symptomatic treatment, the result is far from satisfaction, since there is no specific treatment for its complications, the mortality remains high level, and every year, a lots of patients have to be amputated, it is severely threatening patient's health even life.

The ancient TCM documents about diabetes can dates back to 2000 years ago in yellow emperor's inner classic book, in which, first time described diabetes symptoms: frequent drinking, eating, urine, emaciation, and urine tasted sweet. Inspecting sugar by ants, using pig or cow's pancreas (contains natural insulin) with other herbs in formulas, TCM has a long history of treating diabetes.

TCM has a very unique view on diabetes and its complications, which leads to a totally different treatment and prognosis. As we know, Diabetes is most likely a based on genetic condition autoimmune disorder over stress, viruses, hormone imbalance etc, that causes a inflammation on pancreas and whole body blood vessels, the pancreas dysfunction result in less insulin even no insulin produced, and blood vessels inflammation which mostly happen on heart, brain, kidney, eyes, nerves, result in all complications: coronary atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy, gangrene, diabetic osteoporosis etc. From TCM view, those autoimmune inflammations are kind of heat or fire in pancreas, happen to special individuals with body fluids deficiency constitution and initially pancreas lack of nourishment, the heat or fire can further burns body fluids cause blood stagnation and phlegm (Fat)stasis which lead all complications. Therefore, the key to treat diabetes and complications is not only focus on sugar level but on the whole body:

(1) Clear heat and fire from pancreas (it is in TCM spleen and stomach system), reduce autoimmune inflammation, produce more insulin, and from blood vessels to prevent complications happen in future, that is core and root treatment. Apply Gypsum (Shi Gao), Rhubarb (Da Huang), Jasmine (Zhi Zi)and Coptis root (Huang Lian)etc, puncture Pancreas point (EX-B3), Sp16, St36,44,45, Sp16;

(2) Nourish pancreas and body with body fluid to repairing and restore pancreas damaged b-cell, and protect other inner organs (Brain, Heart, and Kidney, nerves),by using America Ginseng (Xi Yang Shen), Rehmannia root (Di Huang), Solomon's seal rhizome (YU Zhu), Dendrobium (Shi Hu), wolf beery fruit (Gou Qi Zi) etc, puncture k1(grant stream), Sp6, Ub17, Pancreas point.

(3) Remove blood and phlegm stasis to improve blood circulation for damaged inner organs and nerves, to prevent complications and to those happened complications. Like Peach kernel (Tao Ren), Safflower flower (Hong Hua) etc, puncture P10, Ub17 plus Dr. Xiao's external use blood move cream, medicated herbal alcohol, natural antibiotics herbal cream if there is infection like gangrene.

All above combine with using animal pancreas powder, diet and sports, effective rate up to revealed clinic studies done in China varies from 65%-86%, without resistance and dependence observed, and TCM treatment can also makes body more sensitive to insulin and other anti-diabetic medicine, may reduces dosage of those medicines.

The effective rate for the complications (up to revealed documents):

Diabetic nephropathy 58%- 75%
Diabetic osteoporosis 76%- 88%
Diabetic retinopathy 45%-65%
Diabetic neuropathy 65%-91%
Diabetic foot 56%-85% much less amputation needed.
And important symptoms like fatigue, depression, insomnia, impotence etc improved significantly, the quality of diabetic patients life improved.

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Headache and pain management

TCM boasts it's efficacy of acupuncture pain relief, The World health Organization(WHO) and U.S. National Institute of Health Organization(NIH) acknowledge the benefit of acupuncture in treating pain due to a wide range of causes.

In fact, many U.S. and Canada insurance companies cover their member's cost to receive acupuncture therapy for their pain conditions. If you have pain from the following, acupuncture treatment is highly recommended:

a. Sprains, Strains and other minor injuries resulting in pain at low back, shoulders, elbow, wrists, knees, ankles and feet, e.g. Acute ,chronic low back pain, tennis elbow, sprained ankles, heel pain, etc.

b. Pain from various types of arthritis, e.g. rheumatoid and osteoarthritis resulting in pain in various joints of hands, knees and hips, etc.

c. Pain from unknown or complicated causes, migraines, fibromyalgia, etc.

d. All kinds of headache, Trigeminal pain, Migraine, Herpes zoster pain, Cancer pain management, injure and Cerebral concussion and other car accident rehabilitation.

For those pains above, chemical anti-inflammatives, steroid have a poor tolerance for long time apply since the side effects, and acupuncture therapy, according to researches,

can promote body produce endorphin, a natural opium like pain killer substance, bears no side effects at all, that is all secret of acupuncture for pain management, and is highly recommended.

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Cancer prevention and treatment

Cancer has been the top killer to human life all over the world, Do Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can defeat cancer?

Drawing of cancer have been found on turtle shells and oracle bones dating from the eleventh century B.C. Medical texts dating from 200 B.C. have detailed descriptions of cancer and their causes. Cancer is well known and well documented in Chinese medical literature, and been treated as masses and hardness, enormous researches from both laboratory and clinic in China, Japan and U.S have demonstrated its effectiveness, as matter of fact, many anticancer medicine in chemotherapy were botanic sourced, such like Vincristine, Camptothecine, Paclitaxel, Crotaline, Indirubin etc.

From TCM view, cancer is a abnormally fast grow stasis of blood and phlegm to the certain weak constitution individuals, the deficient vital qi (immune system) fails to clean up abnormal cells since heat toxin (viruses), long time stress, smoking, alcohol or junk food etc damaged immunity, this standpoint have been demonstrated by modern oncology researches.

So, TCM prevention and treatment on cancer is a comprehensive and synergistic system includes: antineoplastic therapy, immune strengthens and supportive therapy, symptomatic treatment, food therapy etc, it is well compatible and complementary to chemo- radiation, and surgery therapy in clinic practice in China, as a low toxin, most green cancer therapy, cancer patient's effective rate, survival rate are much higher and mortality is much lower, quality of life is higher, there are significant difference, The benefits may from following aspects:

a. Antineoplastic effect: directly inhibits tumor growth and proliferation, or Activates

Reticuloendothelial system and increase phagocytosis by lymphocytes, induce tumor cell differentiation, improve cell wither, and synergistic to chemo and radi-therapy by

increasing body sensitiveness, such like E Zhu (zedoaria), Yu Zhu (Solomon's seal rhizome), Yi Yi Ren (seeds of job's tear), Xia Ku Cao (prunella), and Bai Hua She She Cao (heydytis) etc, work as a green chemotherapy.

b. Supportive therapy: cancer treatment is kind of competition between cancer cell and human body under the harsh treatments, the prognosis is not only depend on the chemo,radi-therapy and surgery, which is very strong, mostly too strong than patients could bear, more importantly, many herbs can offsets side effects like bone marrow suppress and improves immunity, patients general condition like appetite energy and sleep are much better, adoption is much higher, more patients able to complete whole chemo-radiation therapy.

To strengthen patient, such like turtle shell elevates white blood cell, Ginseng, Huang Jing (Polygonati) and Huang Qi (milk-vetch root) elevate platelets, human placenta improves hemoglobin and red blood cell, those are key points lead the favorable results, very common used in cancer treatment in hospital of China.

c. Cancer symptomatic treatment like cancer pain, cough, diarrhea, ascites and fever etc, herbs and acupuncture can improve the quality of life by treating symptoms,

d. Metastasis prevention and treatment: apply immune booster herbs and puncture, moxa points like Rn4, 6 (energy sea, vital gate) will strengthen immunity and enable body clear abnormal cell daily, plus low toxin green chemo-like herbal treatment in intermittent or remission period, or before and after surgery, are extremely important to metastasis treatment and prevention, also indicate for people in high risk.

e. Based on TCM 's view of cancer pathogenesis, the mood balance and diet guidance are part of the cancer treatment integration, up to individual constitution and five elements theory, for instance, the food's flavors and colors guidance are important.

In order to gain an ultimate effectiveness for cancer patients, if need, Dr. Xiao does suggest combine the chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgery with Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture and all treatments above to most of cancer case.

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Menopause and health

First of all, it is important to understand that menopause is not a disease but a natural phenomenon, a process of aging, you must not be panic about it, commonly it lasts 1- 3years, some may stay more than 20 years, the severity of symptoms much depend on individual's genetic and constitution condition.

Secondly, it is annoying, it causes both physical and mental changes, like hot flash, night sweating, dry skin and vagina, lower libido and painful or difficulty intercourse, and mentally stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia even mania. It may seriously disturb a person's health and relationships in this period and future time.

The third, TCM has long time believing that menopause is just essentially a natural process of aging, hormone replace therapy (HRT) will disturb this process with potential risks, recent studies have demonstrated that HRT may increase risk of breast cancer, endometrial cancer and uterine myomas, trigger heart attack and stroke etc, Doctors all over the world are looking for a new alternative treatment.

In China, TCM has been effectively using for treatment on menopause for thousand years, only 5% now even less menopause cases need hormone, symptoms like hot flash, night sweating can be reduce in a few weeks or less, sleep, mood, dryness and libido may improved in a month, importantly, no side effects are observed.

Further researches have revealed mechanism of TCM on menopause treatment: Herbs tonify kidney yin like turtle shell, rehmannia root etc mainly act on pituitary axis to ovaries to improve inner hormone production, while acupuncture on points Zi Gong (uterine), Rn4,6 (Sea of energy, primary vitality gate) etc may improve capillary blood circulation of ovary, make it more sensitive to hormone, prevent or delay the ovary function premature declination, those therapy usually are anti-aging treatment or treatment for womanhood, TCM has been using those treatment for thousands years, it is effective and much safer.

Dr. Xiao highly recommends patients with menopause choice TCM therapy.

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Infertility, IVF and Chinese Medicine Menopause and health

What is Infertility?

Statistics show that about 25% of couples experience infertility, which means they have tried at least 1 year of normal sexual activity without contraception with no resulting pregnancy. However, infertility is not always a female problem; about 40% of cases involve the male partner or a combination of both factors.

What can Western biomedicine and acupuncture offer?

IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) is one of the best therapies western biomedicine can offer for infertility. But the success rate in some study was only 26% without acupuncture. Combination of acupuncture and Chinese herbal treatment can increase IVF success by 40% to 60% as shown by some research.

How does Chinese medicine view the process of pregnancy and what can be done to improve chance of conception?

In preparation for a new garden, fertile soil, selection of good seeds, proper temperature and moisture are all equally important factors for the vitality of that garden. We use this holistic view when addressing fertility with acupuncture. By strengthening the organs and meridians that are believed to both optimize sperm and egg quality, and to create a superior uterine environment, the fertility rates can be improved. Researchers from Weill Cornell Medical center reviewed studies and concluded that acupuncture helps to: increase blood flow to the uterus, normalize hormone and endocrine systems that regulate ovulation, etc. A landmark study published in the medical journal Fertility & Sterility found that acupuncture dramatically improves the chances of becoming pregnant when used in conjunction with other assisted reproductive techniques.

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Cardiovascular diseases, weight and diet Clinic: hyperlipemia, hypertensive, coronary heart diseases, stroke prevention and rehabilitation, weight and diet optimize.

Hypertension, Heart attack, Stroke are just different stages of cardiovascular diseases, combined overweight and hyperlipemia, it becomes the top killer of human being all over the world.

Hypertension is due to too much tension on the special individuals with family constitution, in the modern life, every body lives under tension and stress, our body can keeps balance mentally and physically since our balancer liver, but if the stress constantly and intensively exit, then the liver overloaded like an engine, start to be heat, which may drives the blood pressure goes higher, some times it goes even worse, especially when there is hyerlipemia, may becomes more than our heart and brain can bear, then heart attack and stroke happen.

Unlike conventional treatment which only focuses on blood pressure itself symptomatically, TCM treats hypertension more on its root by soothing and unloading for balancer liver, cooling liver, drain urine, restores liver function to balance the body mentally and physically, using liver cleaner Jasmine flower (Zhi Zi), Chinese gentian roots (Long Dan Cao), Gatrodia rhizome(Tian Ma) etc, applying diuretics herb like Alisma(Ze Xie), Polyprus sclerotium(Zhu Ling), rice paper pith (Tong Cao)etc, and puncture third eye(Yin Tang), GB20(Wind Pool), Li11 (Bend Pool), Pc6(Internal gate), Ht7(Spirit Gate) etc, which according to studies promote body to produce endorphin, a natural tranquilizer.

Combine with diet and sport, it works for 56-75% hypertension patients in their early stage, without anti-hypertensive.

It may reduce the use of anti-hypertensive and protect important inner organs like heart, liver, kidney and brain in their later stage.

Mostly the course of treatment varies from 1/2 -1 year, some times more but not life time.

More importantly, no side effects are observed.

Coronary heart diseases: Traditional Chinese Medicine views it as a blood stasis and phlegm (fat) stasis in heart vessels, medical documents date back to 2000 years ago have recorded using aspirin like blood diluter and mover, and cholesterol cleaner to treat and prevent coronary arteriosclerosis and heart attack (angina), as a most important treatment, it has been applying in Asian for thousands years, much earlier than modern biomedicine, it is very effective and much safer, used broadly in combination with aspirin or alone to patient not able to use aspirin since asthma, allergic or intolerate to aspirin, such like peptic ulcer etc.

Dr. Xiao clinic has herbal blood mover and diluter pattern formula, it contains ingredients like Dan Shen (Salivia root), Dang Gui (Angelic root), Tao Ren (Peach kernel), Hong Hua (Safflower flower), with or without Di Long (Earth worm), Shui Zi (Leech) etc.

Cholesterol cleaner herbal tea: Lotus leaf, Chinese tea rose, Hawthorn fruit, Cassia seeds etc.

Stroke: Enormous studies have shown that acupuncture and herbs may be the best therapy for stroke rehabilitation, it works on the rebuilding capillary circulation, and clearing blood clots on brain like a surgery, while directly stimulating nerves for palsy, combined with massage and physiotherapy, it is highly recommended by Dr. Xiao.

Weight and diet optimize: The vivid Chinese ancient saying goes: the death starts from your mouth. Modern studies have confirmed that the lead death factors like heart attack, stroke, diabetes even cancer all relate to improper diet, but nowadays overweight is getting worse and worse globally, like an epidemic diseases, even in teenage group. Dr. Xiao clinic will make a very individual weight and diet optimize plan for people need, it is a practical and balance one, combine with acupuncture or ear needle, dietary herbal tea.

The course of treatment: three months or less, 10 times acupuncture.

Results: 75%-90%, loss 15-20% weight varies from individual.

It is medical supervised by both TCM and Western Medicine, No side effects, much practical and much acceptable.

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Senile diseases and anti-aging Clinic: Poor memory, Dementia, Alzheimer's disease prevention and treatment, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis treatment and lumbar knee strengthen, aging evaluation and senile diseases prevention.

Aging and age-related diseases still keep mystery to modern bio-medical medicine, Fighting with aging, realizing natural life span and keeping health and well being are always core of Chinese Medicine, there is very unique view and great experience to prevent aging and treat on age-related diseases.

From TCM, aging mostly related to our kidneys which contain genetic code. We have two kidneys called kidney yang, and kidney yin, which are genetic from parent before born, and enriched after born, liken as a motor engine mechanism, yang literally means sun energy, kidney yang offer the whole body include five inner organs with hot dynamic energy, while the yin means moon water, which offers cooling, moisture to whole body, and the kidney also in charge of water metabolism, bones, reproduction and spinal marrow to brain, when both kidney yang and yin balance and synergistic, the body functions physically mentally and reproduction ally normal, when opposite, whole body and all five inner organs lack of energy from kidney yang and lack of moisture from kidney yin, showing the declination of its functions inside and on its related sensational organs outside like eyes, ears etc, that means aging happens, which starts usually at 35 years old to female, and 40 years old to male, you may discover aging from following symptoms and signs:

Kidney aging: premature gray hair, impotence, vagina dryness and pain, lower sexual desire, aging ovaries and infertility, fatigue and cold limbs. Frequent night urination, incontinence, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, lumbar pain, weak knees, Poor memory, Dementia, poor hearing. Timid and frightened easily.

Liver aging: weak sinews and tendons, lower sports performance, pale fragile nails, poor vision, poor menses or amenorrhea, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, moody.

Lung aging: Fatigue, weak voice, shallow and shortness of breath, poor smell function, dry skin, wrinkles, pigments, aging complexion, losing of gender skin character.

Heart aging: Anxiety, talkativeness or no desire to talk, insomnia, poor concentration, poor memory, depressed, social isolation tendency, lower motivation, melancholy, unreasonable alternative joy and sad, mental fatigue, poor blood circulation, coronary heart diseases.

Spleen aging: long time poor appetite, tasteless or loss taste, or sweet dependence, stubborn chronic constipation, or chronic diarrhea, indigestion, emaciation or overweight and puffy belly. Weak or even atrophic muscles, Diabetic.

The aging consultation is needed if you find you are in the conditions above, Dr. Xiao is going to do aging evaluation for you, up to which inner organ weakened, a very individual anti-aging plan is made personally, it includes tonifying the our engine kidney as basic treatment, and strengthening other involved inner organs, and diet ,life style guidance, Acupuncture, moxa therapy and traditional anti aging tonics may be applied in combination, the following are an rough introduction for some most common used acupoints, herbs and formula:


Ming Men (life vitality gate) Du4

Qi Hai Su (Energy sea points) BL24

BL13, 15, 18, 20, 23 (Lung Su, Heart Su, Liver Su, Spleen Su, Kidney Su)

Ki1 (Erupt spring)

Rn4 (Primary gate)

Rn8 (Divine Gate)

Herbs and formula

Horn of deer (Lu Jiao): for men hood (Nickel name, same below)

Shell of turtle (Gui Ban): for women hood

Ginseng (Ren Shen): botanic holly energizer

Gingko (Bai Guo): botanic panda beer

Chinese wolf berry fruit (Gou Qi Zi): Longevity fruit

(For hypertension, hyperglycemia, and hyperlipidmia)

Rehmannia (Di Huang): herbal estrogen promoter

Epimedium (Ying Yang He): Chinese herbal Viagra.

Walnut nut (Hu Tao Ren): Smart nut

Human placenta (Zhi He Che): new facial culture base

Psoralea fruit (Bu Gu Zhi): Bone strengthener

All above have been approved works as anti-oxidant or free radical cleaner by modern researches.

120Rejuvenation pill (600 years anniversary 2010)

Ovary nourishing pill

Facial stay young pill

Acupuncture therapy opens meridian, like fix a electric wires, while the moxa and herbal tonics work as replantation of new battery, with new wires and new battery, your body will be like a new mentally and physically, we hope everyone will reach the natural life expectance-120years old!

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Addictions and withdraw symptoms management and treatment Clinic (Include Cigarette, Alcohol, drugs, sweet and dairy addiction, bulimia nervosa, weaning)

How TCM helps to quit your smoking?

Tobacco addiction is the most popular addiction, studies revealed have administrated that nicotine cause lung cancer, esophagus cancer and urinary bladder cancer etc, we prefer you to stop smoking in a natural way, rather than a repeated torture struggling with all kinds of toxic nicotine contains patches, chewing gums.

To understand how TCM help to quit your smoking, you must know first that the tobacco actually was a kind of Chinese Medicine with actions include tranquilizer like mental relaxant, and gastro-dynamic effect which may makes the daily defection more regularly, but it is strong addictive to all mammalians include our human being, once you become depend on it, and you try to stop smoking, you may have a terrible agitation, irritability and insomnia since you stop using a kind of tranquilizer, and you may get huge appetite, annoy constipation, which may cause terrible weight gain in a short period, cause failure to quit smoking

The right solution is neither back to smoking of course, nor nicotine chewing gums, or patches, which just simply change to the other accesses.

A combination of acupuncture, ear needle and herbal medicine therapy offers a comprehensive, synergistic and effective, most green and safe replacement treatment for the nicotine withdraw symptoms:

To tranquilize mind, calm spirit:

Puncture points:

Third eye (Yin Tang),

Wind pool (GB20),

Four wise men,

Spirit gate (HT7),

Inner gate (Nei Gan),

Over impulse (Liver3)

Expectation gate (Liver14)

Endocrine point of ear

All above can promote body to produce endorphin, which is inner sourced natural opium like substance, with sedative, tranquillize and analgesic effects, it is the best replacement, no any side effect.


Oyster shell (Mu Li), Thorowax root (Chai Hu), Gatrodia root (Tian Ma), Gambir (Gou Teng)

For depression and energy: Du20, Ht1 (Top spring), Pc8 (Labor palace), Ginseng, Water lily, Silktree flower. Rn4, 6 (Energy sea, Primary gate)

For constipation and appetite: St36, St25 (Stomach doors) Shi Gao (Rhubarb root, Gypsum)

For clearing nicotine heat and toxin from lung system: Houttuynia (Yu Xin Cao), Scute (Huang Qin), Jasmine flower (Zhi Zi), Lophatherum leaf (Dan Zhu Ye), Lung5, 2, 10, Rn22.

It's effective rate varies from 75%-90%, half year effective rate reaches 65%-85%, much more stable, and treatment course 4-6 weeks, 10 times acupuncture treatment, no side effects and no suffering.

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